
Secrets of the Ninja

소요유 : 2008. 12. 11. 21:19

Secrets of the Ninja  


Secrets of the Ninja, Ashida Kim  


Having  observed  the  enemy  camp  and  confirmed,  denied,  or  discovered  sufficient  intelli-
gence to plan ingress and egress of the site, select a route and proceed.
Since these operations  will be conducted alone and often at night, consider any  condition
which might provide an advantage.  One noteworthy condition is the weather.  Rainy nights are
best.  Moonless nights are second best.  In warmer seasons, insects, frogs, and nocturnal preda-
tors may  draw attention  to your position by ceasing their nightly songs.    In winter, the  clear,
crisp air often carries the slightest sound to an alert sentry.

There are nine specific times when the enemy is most vulnerable:

1)    The night before the enemy is ready.  This means that the enemy is aware of an im-
pending attack, but his spies believe the enemy is at least a day away.

2)    The night after the enemy has heavily fortified his position.  The physical labor will
tire the enemy soldiers.

3)    The night the enemy sends out patrols.  This takes advantage of the enemy mistaking
any sounds you might make as those of his returning patrols.
4)    The night after the enemy has sustained heavy losses.  This is known as "harrying the

5)    The night the enemy prepares to counterattack.  This means that the enemy is antici-
pating the next day's conflict.  The Ninja takes advantage of this anxiety.

6)    The night after the siege has been lifted.  The enemy will relax at this time.

7)    The  night  the  enemy  is  struck  with  sickness,  hunger,  or  thirst.   The  enemy  will  be
weakened by these.

8)    Any night after the enemy has been wearied by a long, fruitless confrontation.  The
enemy will be disheartened.

9)    The night after an enemy  victory.  The enemy will be triumphant and  let his guard
down.  This is known as a "spoiling mission."

Penetration of the enemy camp is hindered by two things: barriers and sentries.  The first of
these may be overcome by utilizing the techniques shown herein.  Sentries must be circum-
vented or assassinated.  Sentry removal techniques will be explained in a later section.
Remember, an enemy can see you only as well as you can see him.  In all probability, you
can see him better.


Follow these general rules to move without being seen or heard by the enemy:

          Camouflage yourself and your equipment.

Wear soft, well-fitting clothes.  Starched clothing swishes, baggy clothing is likely to snag.

Use ankle ties to blouse the trousers.  Do not tie them too tightly as this retards circulation.

Do not carry unnecessary equipment.

Look for your next point of concealment before leaving your position.

Change direction when moving through tall grass; a straight path causes an unnatural motion which
attracts attention.

If you alarm birds or animals, remain in one position and observe.  Their flight may attract attention.

Take advantage of distractions provided by natural noises.

Cross roads and trails where maximum cover exists, look for a low spot or curve, cross quickly and

Follow the furrows when crawling over a plowed field, crossing the furrows at low spots.

Avoid steep slopes and areas with loose gravel or stories.

Avoid cleared areas and prevent silhouetting.

Avoid heavily trafficked areas.

Avoid areas which are not trafficked at all.  They may be mined or booby-trapped.

Always move downwind from kennels or guard-dog positions.

Observe the enemy as much as possible, watching for indications that you have been discovered.

When in doubt, do not move.

Learn the patterns used to see, that you may move outside the field of view.

Learn to move without disturbing your surroundings.

When avoiding spotlights, when the light moves, remain still; when the light stops, move.  

In all these things you must research and train diligently.

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소요유 : 2008. 12. 11. 21:19 :