
vista - winload.exe 문제

bongta 2008. 12. 2. 23:21

vista는 나의 경우 처음 설치 때부터 문제를 많이 일으켰고,
사용 중에도 말썽이 자주 났다.
게다가 XP에 비해 별반 뛰어나지도 않다.

소프트웨어의 세계에서는 version-up이라는 것이 거죽으로는
기능 증강이라는 것을 구실로 짐짓 행해지지만,
실제로는 시장을 창출하는 수단으로 동원되곤 한다.

하드디스크 하나가 말썽을 부리더니 드디어 고장이 났다.
이를 시발로 별별 문제가 다 일어났다.
웨스턴 디지탈 640G를 하나 더 구매했는데,
사고나서 이틀도 지나지 않아 환률 폭등의 영향으로 대폭 올라버렸다.
83,000원 주고 샀는데 오늘 현재는 107,000원이 최하가이니 근 30%가 오른 셈이다.

하여간 또 다른 하드 하나가 또 문제를 일으켜 이리저리 손 좀 보다가,
종국엔 vista를 새로 깔기에 이르렀다.
그런데, 아래와 같은 메시지가 발해지며 부팅이 되지 않는다.

Windows Failed to start. a recenent hardware or software change may be the cause. to fix this problem:

(boot from the cd and repair windows) (doesnt actually say that but thats what it tells ya to do)

File: /windows/system32/winload.exe

Status: 0xc0000221

Info: the file is possibaly corupt. its header checksum does not match the computed checksum.

vista CD 또는 아래 소개하는 Recovery Disc를 넣고 편법으로 부팅을 시킬 수는 있지만,
설치 후 restart를 요구하는 프로그램의 경우에는 여전히 불편하다.
완전한 해결을 위해 구글을 검색해 보니 몇몇 대안들을 발견할 수 있었다.

그 과정들을 간략히 추려본다.

① winload.exe is missing or corrupt (no it's not!)

Pretty basic PC, IDE drive. Win98 on C:, XP on D:, installed vista on E:. When you try to boot vista it complains about a missing or corrupt e:\windows\system32\winload.exe. I've seen other discussions of people running into this with a PC already setup for dual-boot. Anyone have any ideas?

Results from bcdedit (I gave up and changed the default to {ntldr}):


Windows Boot Manager
identifier              {bootmgr}
device                  partition=C:
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {globalsettings}
default                 {ntldr}
displayorder            {ntldr}
toolsdisplayorder       {memdiag}
timeout                 3

Windows Legacy OS Loader
identifier              {ntldr}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \ntldr
description             Earlier version of Windows

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {50c73d4f-e6b3-11da-bc73-d30cdb1ce216}
device                  partition=E:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Microsoft Windows
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {bootloadersettings}
osdevice                partition=E:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {50c73d50-e6b3-11da-bc73-d30cdb1ce216}
nx                      OptIn
detecthal               Yes


② Windows Vista Recovery Disc Download

Windows Vista 32-Bit (x86) Recovery Disc Torrent

Windows Vista 64-Bit (x64) Recovery Disc Torrent

이것은 복구 기능을 제공하지 않는다는 home edition을 사용하는 분에게 유용할 듯.
다만 복구는 제대로 되지만, 언어기능은 영어만 제공한다.

③ How to Avoid or Fix “winload.exe corrupt” in Windows Vista

How to Avoid or Fix “winload.exe corrupt” in Windows Vista
stored in: Vista Problems
ATTENTION: This case/solution applies only when this error was caused by partitioning with older versions of partition software which does not support vista partitioning. Although NTFS, vista partitions are different than XP, and require specific amount of space reserved before the primary partition, so most partition software applications available at this point, do not support Vista. These include: all versions prior Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 build 2160, all versions prior and including Norton’s Partition Magic 8.0.. and since these two are the leaders, I shouldn’t even mention others. That’s why Vista has its own built-in tool for resizing partitions now.

This is one common problem that I see pretty often lately. It was a while ago when my girlfriend brought me her new notebook with Windows Vista installed, and she wanted to resize the partitions, because her primary c: partition was 10GB by default (some genius installed it that way). Although Vista has unfriendly interface for PC Technicians, it does have some basic but pretty useful tools built in which XP lacked, like searching online for drivers, working imaging tool, fast and useful OS repair. So I figured it must have the option built in for resizing partitions, and guess what, I was right! Right click on “My Computer”  “Manage” and then Disk Management. All of the installed drives can be seen there. With right click on the partition I wanted to resize and I saw the new option Shrink/Extend your partition. Great, but this was somewhat confusing, I wanted to extend it, when I realized the whole hard drive was a mess, there were five different partitions on a 160GB hard drive, of which only three were formatted. So Vista’s tool wasn’t helpful here, I tried to shrink and extend a few times, but I only made it worse, and since they contained some important data, I decided to go with my standard procedure. I insert my hiren’s boot cd 9.5 and boot from it. I selected Acronis Disk Director 10  Manual mode. The image of the disk looked like shish kebab. It was so hard to determine what was what. I worked it out after some time, and when I was finally happy with the result I saw, I restarted my computer and boom! There it was:

winload.exe vista The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

File: \windows\system32\winload.exe

Status: 0xc000000f

Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

It was late at night and the notebook should have been ready until the next morning. After I woke up my neighbors with a loud lion roar I calmed myself a bit and started searching for an answer. There wasn’t a solution through-out the internet, since Vista was considerably new at the time, so the only thing it came to my mind is a repair. BUT I only had a disk from Windows Vista Home Basic without the repair menu in it and I’m not sure why, but all of the notebooks do not include a windows disk with them even when you buy it with licensed OS. So I searched around and luckily found a download for only the recovery Vista DVD:

or here:

FIX: These are only the recovery tools from windows vista.

Burn the one which suits your Vista(32bit or 64bit) to a disc

Boot from it(restart the computer, at boot time after the logo is displayed you should press a button which is specific to every PC(usually Del, F2, F10 etc) and under the Boot Options menu, change the priority of boot devices to your CD/DVD Optical Disk.

After Vista Recovery CD is loaded choose Repair and it should detect the problem automatically. Something like: “Your windows installation requires repair” will come up to which you answer yes and you are done.

If this doesn’t work, you could try choosing Command Prompt from the repair menu and then enter these commands:

bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot


나의 경우는 오류 메시 중
"Windows Failed to start. a recenent hardware or software change may be the cause. to fix this problem: "
에 착안하여 하드 디스크 구성(설치 순서)을 먼저번과 동일하게 재배치하였더니 해결이 되었다.

그 와중에 ③번의 제안에 따라

bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot

이리 해보기도 하였으나,
최종적으로는 이 두가지를 동시에 행하였기에 어떤 것이 유효한 것인지 불명이다.
하지만 짐작컨데 전자가 더 유력하다.

Vista 출시이후, 나는 부쩍 MS의 소비자 신뢰 수준을 의심하게 되었다.
빌게이츠의 분발을 바란다.