Water Acidification
농사를 지을 때 산도를 조정하는 방법엔 크게 두가지가 있다.
토양을 상대로 직접 시도하는 것과 관수를 통해 접근하는 것이 그것이다.
아래 인용문에는 황산을 이용한 방법이 나오고 있다.
그러나 황산은 결정적인 문제를 가지고 있다.
예전부터 황산은 황과 함께 줄곧 쓰여왔으나 최근에 나는 치명적인 문제가 있음을 발견했다.
질산 역시 원예업자들이 흔히 사용하곤 하지만 재배하는
작물에 따라서는 적당치 않은 수가 있다.
제3의 방법은 없는가?
궁즉통이라고 나는 이 방법을 찾아냈다.
명년 봄에 포장에서 시험을 하고 그 결과를 정리할 예정이다.
Water Acidification
Alkaline irrigation water can be neutralized or
acidified for the maintenance of pH when growing
blueberries in acidic soil materials or growing media
(peat, potting mixes, etc.). This is done by mixing acid
(usually sulfuric acid) directly with water in appropriate
amounts, or by oxidizing (burning) elemental sulfur in
the presence of water to form sulfuric acid which is then
mixed with the irrigation water (known as the sulfur
burner process). Homeowner-scale sulfur burners are not
available, so the process is generally restricted to
commercial production.
Handling concentrated acid solutions is a difficult
and potentially hazardous procedure and should only be
undertaken with the utmost care and according to the
safety precautions outlined by the manufacturer of the
acid product. Always use rubber gloves and eye
protection when handling acid. When mixing acid and
water, ALWAYS add acid to water, NEVER add water
to acid as this can be a violent, volatile reaction!
Typical water sources in Utah contain from 60 to
1200 mg/L (or ppm) dissolved carbonate and
bicarbonate which buffers pH between 7 and 8.
Neutralizing the alkalinity of the water and reducing the
pH to about 5 (optimal for blueberries) requires from
160 to 3,175 pounds of sulfuric acid per acre foot of
water. This is about 16 to 355 gallons of fertilzer-grade
(62%) sulfuric acid (or 10 to 220 gallons of concentrated
(98%) sulfuric acid) per acre foot of water treated. For
the home garden, this would be equivalent to 0.5 to 8
teaspoons of fertilizer grade sulfuric acid per 100 gallons
of water. The water will need to be treated each time the
blueberry plants are irrigated. The amount added is
critical, as too much acid will lower the pH below 4.0
and can damage the blueberry plants. It should also be
noted that for secondary irrigation water sources, the
carbonate and bicarbonate content varies over the course
of the season. Therefore, the amount of acid required to
treat your irrigation water will vary somewhat from
spring to fall. For best results, you may need to invest in
a test kit or pH meter to measure water pH, then monitor
your treated irrigation water and periodically adjust the
amount of acid added.
(ⓒ http://usu.edu/, http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Furit_2009-01pr.pdf )