
File Renamer

computer : 2009. 1. 3. 12:05

파일 이름을 바꿔주는 무료 프로그램들.

상용의 프로그램들로는
File Renamer - 초기 버전이지만 내겐 제법 익숙하여 아직도 사용한다.
PS FileRenamer - 조금 복잡하지만 옵션을 잘 주면 대부분의 원하는 작업을 다 할 수 있다.
그외  NewName Pro, Advanced Find and Replace, Flexible Renamer, Funduc Search and Replace 등등
헤아리기도 벅찬 수많은 프로그램들이 있다.
하지만, 이하에서 소개하는 무료 프로그램만으로도 어느 정도 만족할 만한 할 것이다.

특히 Lupas Rename은 폴더명까지 이름을 바꿀 수 있어, 아주 편리하다.
대개의 경우 파일 이름은 바꾸지만, 폴더명을 바꾸는 프로그램은 구하기 어렵다.

1. Lupas Rename

Lupas Rename is a FREEWARE program developed to rename a big number of files.
It works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2K and WinXP.
It is a simple .EXE file and doesn't need any other external libraries.

Here are a few features to help you rename the files:

Rename files and folders
Rename files in recursive subdirectories
Shell Integration (right click on a folder in the explorer to start LupasRename on these folder)
Instant Preview (Optional)
Undo the last rename operation
Make a Batch file to rename from a DOS Console
Make a Batch file for UNDO operation from a DOS Console
Save and Load your options into an INI File
Filter by any masks: *.mp3;*.mp2 or ???a*.txt...
Load/Edit a Text Files in a Small Editor to help renaming files
Sort Ascendent/Descendent by any column (name, path, size...)
It display the next columns:
Creation Date
Modification Date
Accessed Date
Replace the name by any text
Replace a substring by other with Matchcase Optional
Crop n Chars (Left and/or Right)
Insert any string before and/or after the Filename
Convert to Upper Case (filename)
Convert to Lower Case (filename)
Convert to Upper only the First Letter Of Any Word (filename)
Convert to Lower oNLY tHE fIRST lLETTER (filename)
Replace the extension by any text
Replace a substring by other with Matchcase Optional in Extension
Crop n Chars in Extension (Left and/or Right)
Insert any string before/after the extension
Convert to Upper Case (extension)
Convert to Lower Case (extension)
Convert to Upper only the First Letter Of Any Word (extension)
Convert to Lower oNLY tHE fIRST lLETTER (extension)
Remove the accent symbols
Support for autorename the Display Comic Reader extensions
Autonumbering in any place of the name or extension of the filename (Optional autostart by Folder in recursive mode)
Starting at any number
Incrementing by any number (positive or negative)
Adding n zeros to the number
In Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal, Binary, Excel Mode and Manual Excel Mode formats
Also With TAGS it supports any Base Number
Option to view folders or not
Option to work with folders as files or not
Option to view files or not
Option to remember the Last Path
Option to remember Windows position and size
The Main Window is sizable
It allow a couple of languages
You can use TAGs in any text box to use special features when renaming:
TAGs to use the Current Date with any format you want
Day, Mont, year, Hour, Minutes and Seconds
TAGs for MP3 Files (Title, Artist, Album, Year and Comment)
for RA Files (Title, Author and Copyright)
for Graphic Files (JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, PSD, PNG, TGA, LBM and PCX)
Width, Height, Bits and Color
to extract the original name from Nintendo 64 Roms
to Create random names
to use the Date of Files
to use Manual Numbering
In any base numeric format and in Excel Format by using the characters you need
to insert Data from external Files
to extract the titles from HTML pages

2. Rename Master

Rename Master is a FREE utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming hundreds of files.

This utility will add, remove, or replace parts of the filename with ease and also supports renaming via file properties, MP3 tags, JPEG JFIF and EXIF tags. Batch renaming that's simple to use, yet still very powerful.

3. Oscar's File Renamer

New 1.1 version

Why somebody would need a file renamer? You can select a file in Explorer, press F2, rename the file and press Enter and that's it.
Well that's exactly the reason... after doing this on hundred something files I got totally frustrated, my eyes were crossed and fingers hurt.
Why it can't be done easier, for example like in a text editor? And a new internal tool was born.

The Renamer takes and enhances the idea of editing files in directory in a full featured Text editor and then writing all the changes at once into the files.


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Bongta LicenseBongta Stock License bottomtop
이 저작물은 봉타 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지 3.0 라이센스에 따라 이용행위에 제한을 받습니다.
computer : 2009. 1. 3. 12:05 :