
루마니아 여인의 Bushcraft(utube)

소요유 : 2022. 1. 10. 21:57

오늘 처음 만난 루마니아 처자의 Bushcraft 영상이다.
여인네 영상은 속도 감이 떨어지고, 다이나믹하지 않아 거의 보지 않는데,
이 영상은 영상 미학이 수준급이라 오래 머물렀다.

그의 채널 정보에 적힌 글귀로 감상평을 대신한다.

I think this new path I have chosen will help me fall in love with nature and it's wonderful tranquility even deeper. It's a road towards nature's heart, towards my heart and a search for a more authentic, meaningful way of living. 

(video to animated gif, patial)

(video to animated gif, patial
“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone's soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”
― Rumi)

※ Rumi
13th-century Persian.
Sufi mystic.

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소요유 : 2022. 1. 10. 21:57 :